The Hammer Of Godzingis Drops On LaMarcus Aldridge's Head (Then Melo's Big Ass Drops On Godzingis' Head)

I will always remember November 1, 2015 as the day New York sports died.  It came in three waves.  First Eli was outdueled by Drew Brees  52-49 in a real life NFL Blitz game that ended in a field goal by a guy named Kai Forbath.  Then Ryan Fitzpatrick injured his thumb and gave way to Genocide Smith as Derek Carr threw four TDs.  And finally, the Mets ripped whatever heart and guts their fans had left as the capper in Game 5 of the World Series.

But then, out of nowhere, a 20-year old 7’3″ (SEVEN FOOT, THREE INCH!!!) Latvian kid put the city on his back like he was Greg Jennings in Madden and brought New York back to life.  Read that sentence again.  It is why sports are great.  None of that makes sense a year ago.  But I just witnessed Godzingis appear on my TV and it was more awe inspiring than if I had seen God himself on my TV (if they aren’t the same person).

And how about Clyde raising his game to another level? “That was nasty, sassy stuff.” Peak Clyde and Peak Godzingis meeting in The World’s Most Famous Arena with an A+++ bench reaction (other than the suited up Asian dude who seems like being courtside at MSG is a real chore).  What a treat on a Monday night while ESPN showed an awful NFL game.

And doing it against the Spurs is the best part.  Greg Popovich has more frequent flier miles than Carmen Sandiego.  He has built his dynasty on the back of a Virgin Islander, a Frenchman and an Argentinian.  But he missed out on the gem from Latvia.  Pop can sign one of the best free agents and plug him into the Spurs system and probably do just fine.  But realize that twice a year Godzingis will rain thunder on his ass in the name of famed Pop-rival, The Zen Master Phil Jackson.  Thank God for The Latvian Len Bias.

Also, Rebecca Haarlow, don’t think I missed you in your mesh shirt tonight.  SWISH!


Update: About 5 minutes after this blog went up, Melo and his big ass fell on Zingis’ head.  I guess the Basketball Gods got confused because of Daylight Savings Time and waited another day to rip Knicks fans’ hearts out.  #PrayForGodzingis (not to be confused with #PrayToGodzingis, which you should do as well).  We all too flew close to the sun tonight and Melo decided to take out New York’s newest favorite son.  So is life.

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