It's Getting Real Weird Over On The RG3 Instagram Page


Laugh out loud funny. What in the world goes on in his head? He has to be self-aware and trolling us right? Right? Please say right. I can’t stop laughing, it’s so bizarre. What’s the thought process? Does he make that himself? Does he have a team of photoshop people on call at every second to make ridiculous Instagram pictures? I’ve never seen anything like it. Does he post it and is like “well done Bob, you’re a lion now, everyone will love it!” This is on such a ridiculous level that I actually do love it.

I think we’re at the point where we need realize and accept he is never going to change. He’s wacky Bob Griffin. An average quarterback on a bad football team. Will be an average starter this coming season for the Skins then let go and sign somewhere like Jacksonville or Houston or what have you. And I hope we’ll look back on his wacky antics and be like wow, that guy was fucking strange, I’m glad we have a normal QB now who doesn’t live in LaLa Land.

PS: Also getting real weird over on the Britt McHenry Twitter page. Don’t want, NEED more Ned Connor.

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