If You're Looking For A Reason To Get Your Hate Going On NBA Opening Day, Lebron Put His Logo All Over Simeon Like A Jackass





And we’re off. Welcome back NBA. I’ve always explained that I can’t get fully into the NBA and NHL until about Christmas time, there’s just too much football and baseball to watch a couple of teams battle it out to see who can rise to 3-2. I watch every game (Toews snipe last night was silly) it’s just that those sports get TV2 treatment until the season really starts in January. But tonight is different, I’m all in tonight. And nothing gets the hate going like Lebron walking into Derrick Rose’s High School and slapping his logo all over the place. I don’t even know how this was allowed. Lebron must have paid them millions of dollars in some pathetic mind game ploy because he knows he’s getting old and HGH can only take you so far. Bad news for Bron Bron, he just woke up a sleeping one eyed dragon. Get that fire burning Derrick, time to go to work and win 50 games and probably lose to the Cavs in 7 but get all of our hopes up that this is the year the Bulls get over the hump. So pumped.





Also got a couple of Bulls previews coming this afternoon. In all honesty I’m actually very excited for this team and the Hoiberg era. Bulls basketball is actually going to be fun to watch in terms of Offense. A novel concept, I know.

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