Bieber’s New Song “Sorry” Is A Certified Firejam And Suddenly The Entire Free World Is Pro Bieber

Amazing the turnaround that the entire world has done on Bieber. His last 2 songs What Do You Mean and Sorry have electrified a nation. Chicks just walking down the street listening to their walkmans just leaking Bieber juice all over the place. Grown men weeping. Selena literally in a straight jacket 24/7 so she can’t touch herself. Bieber is the #1 rock god in the world right now and there is nobody close. You can hate him all the want but he’s at the top of his game right now. It’s like JT in his prime. A once in a generation talent. If he’s not making hits, he’s slaying supermodels. What more is there in life? Answer: Nothing. God it’s great to be king.

PS – No joke in the middle of making this music video my dog just walked in front of me and puked. Had to take a 5 minute break to clean it up.



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