College Football Game Cancelled Because of "Violent Ejections" After Massive Brawl Breaks Out Featuring Beatings With Trash Cans

Michigan/Ohio State



Eastern Mississippi Community College/Mississippi Delta Community College

Sometimes the rivalry is so big and contains so much passion that you can’t help but end up with trash cans getting launched 20 feet across the field knocking motherfuckers unconscious in a massive brawl. That’s just college football folks.

SO EMCC…they’re like the bad boys of JUCO football huh? Just featured them a few weeks ago, and believe me, community college football isn’t exactly a staple around here. Your team gets mentioned twice, you’re either making some crazy viral Sportscenter Top 10 plays, or you’re involved in some crazy shit. Something like…your head coach getting himself punched in the face by referees, and having a team-wide brawl on the field that features so many “violent ejections” the game gets called in the first half. Love it. Would Swag Kelly come out of anywhere else??

Can we put these guys in D1 already? Love what they bring to the table.

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