Vote For Your Favorite Big Cat "Big House" Photoshop


There is an old saying that says “You don’t kick a man when he’s down.”  Well at Barstool we believe the exact opposite.   That’s when you kick the hardest. So fresh off the Mets sweet here is the Big Cat Big House Photoshop contest.  In case you missed it we talked about this on the rundown the other day.  KFC snapped the most unflattering picture of Big Cat of all time on the Dixie Bus. I literally gasped and spit out my coffee and I wasn’t even drinking any when I first saw it. I mean I’m the first one to call Big Cat fat but he’s not this fat.  Or is he this fat?  Picture don’t lie?  Honestly I don’t even know anymore.  All I know is this is next level huge.  Just an absolute hilarious/hideous picture.  Also KFC’s reaction in the mirror as he’s taking the picture is priceless.  Classic “Mr. Burns” face.  EXCEEEEELLLENNNT.     Anyway we’re giving 100 bucks to the best photoshop of this picture.  Naturally when making fun of people is the task the Stoolies have stepped up to the plate big time. Here are my favorites so far…

PS – I love Big Cat’s reaction whenever you bring up this picture to him.  “That’s what I get for trying to help with directions…Thanks guys..”



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