Chicago Stoolies, Enter To Win Free Food/Booze Delivered To Your Door By Me This Saturday Using The FoxTrot App






I’m sure you all remember Foxtrot, the food and booze delivery app in Chicago. Well if you don’t because you don’t remember what you had for breakfast this morning here’s a quick refresher. Foxtrot is a mobile app that delivers beer, wine, food, and appetizers directly to your door. Perfect for the fall and winter when all you want to do is watch football/basketball/hockey and never get off the couch. All you do is download the APP , order what you want, and get everything delivered within 60 minutes.



Because I love you guys we’re running a little contest. When you download the app, enter the promo code “BigCat” and place your order, it will not only get you free delivery all season long but we also will be doing a custom Game Day Package delivery on Saturday October 25th. So enter “BigCat” place your order and you’re automatically entered to have me personally deliver you a full package of food and booze next weekend. Contest runs through October 24th and you can enter as many times as possible.



Also just a heads up to the winner, I’m like Donnie Brasco, I don’t take my shoes off when I go into houses, so don’t even think about asking.




Too Long Didn’t Read?


-Download Foxtrot App HERE


-Enter code “BigCat” and place an order


-Get free delivery and a chance for me to hand delivery you some free stuff on October 25th


-Contest ends October 24th, pick winners the 24th, delivery the 25th

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