Lady Fan Goes TOFTB At A KHL Game To Try To Will Her Team To Victory

Okay so she may not be the best that the Motherland has to offer. So she may not be anything that you’d ever be proud about. Is she someone that would suffice when you’re throwing hail marys around closing time at the bar before they turn the lights back on and your boys have all already left and you can get her out of the house before anyone else wakes up the next morning? Ehhhh probably still not. But she’s still an A+ fan and can play on my team any day. Hockey needs more fans like this broad right here. And before any of those squids who write for SB Nation come around and start screaming “misogynist!”, I’m not just talking about chicks taking off their shirts. I mean, yeah, obviously I’d prefer if more girls started popping off their tops at hockey games but I’m also down with more dudes joining the cause as well. Take Fat Dancing Kevin in Columbus for instance. He’s one of my favorite hockey fans in the world. Why? Because he’s not afraid to go TOFTB if he knows it’s going to help his beloved Bue Jackets pull out a big win.

Hell, I think Kevin has the bigger tits in this head-to-head match up here. But yeah, if we want more gender equality when it comes to sports fandom, well then guys and girls alike should all follow this broad and Fat Kevin’s lead. They’re innovators, they’re heroes, they gross me out and I love them.

For what it’s worth, Salvat Yulaev (the team this chick wasn’t rooting for) ended up scoring 3 goals in the 3rd period that game to take a 5-3 win. But I guess Dinamo was just too distracted by the titties. You ever heard of bad titties?

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