Trevone Boykin: Great Player, And Apparently Really Good Dude

FORT WORTHPaul Moseley has taken thousands of photos in his 35 years with the Star-Telegram, but never has he watched a single image take off like the one he shot Saturday at TCU’s football game against Iowa State.

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” Moseley said.

The photograph shows TCU quarterback Trevone Boykin kneeling in front of a young girl’s wheelchair during the pregame coin toss. While other players had walked by Abby Faber, Boykin stopped and asked, “What’s your name?”

Moseley captured the moment and once people started seeing the photograph online, it went viral.

Feel like when you spend 90% of your time writing about college players getting arrested, violating NCAA rules and getting in trouble on and off the field, you kind of forget that a lot of these guys are just really good dudes. Case in point, Trevone Boykin who may be the best QB in the country and is by all accounts #2 in the Heisman race right now taking some time to acknowledge and speak to rival fan Abby here before the game:

Since day one, Abby Faber has been a fighter. Abby was born at 30 weeks, weighing only 1 pound 13 ounces, and she would spend the next 105 days in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) before being able to come home with her parents, Steve and Jennifer Faber, and three older siblings.

Abby came home on oxygen, as she was receiving it the entire time in the NICU, and once home, Abby began physical therapy services as well. She was slow to meet her developmental milestones, but she was meeting them in what her family called “Abby time.”

“Early on, we hoped her developmental delays were caused from her prematurity and being so sick her first few weeks of life,” said Jennifer. “It was just before her third birthday that Abby was diagnosed with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy.” [Unity Point]

Great picture and a really awesome move by Boykin. Something to remember in the future when those “character red flags” start popping up from “anonymous sources” during the draft process.

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