Patriots Vs Colts "There Will Be Blood. Lots Of It" Live Blog





Typically I think about a game from Monday-Sunday but I’ve been dreaming up this one since last January, and I’m pretty sure everyone else has too. The fans, the Patriots, Belichick, the Krafts, all of New England, all of Indiana, all of the country, really. We all know what’s coming. A dark, dark, angry storm is descending upon Indianapolis. The fans themselves have already sought shelter and they’re hunkered down in safer places than Lucas Oil…





Nine months ago the nerd Colts made the mistake of “snitching” on the bully Patriots. But, now it’s recess. It’s time to meet the bad boy on the playground and answer for what you’ve done. There’s a price to pay. There will be no mercy, all the supervisors have been paid off. No one will break up this fight or yell “Stop, stop he’s already dead!” Even Chandler Jones sent this SnapChat when the Pats landed yesterday…







Yes, we do know why you’re there. Everyone does. You’re there to fuck shit up.







A game’s a game. A wins a win. But today has some significant meaning to it. It’s Judgement Day and a simple, standard double digit victory won’t do. New England, the region, is blood thirsty. Hell, Tom Brady Sr. wants a 60 point victory featuring 500 yards passing and eight TDs for TB12 and I’m not even sure that will do. I’d like Bob Kravitz, Greg Doyle, Jim Irsay, Ryan Grigson, Chris Mortensen, Roger Goodell, Troy Vincent, Mark Brunell, etc to be strung from the Colts participation banners during the post-game media scrum.


Will we get all that? I don’t know, it’s not up to me. That’s the emperor’s call and you’ll have to ask him.






If you say so, Bill. Let’s do this.



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