I'm Onto Indianapolis

That was the worst loss in the history of football.  No if’s and’s or butts about it.   Game was over.  OVER.   Michigan won.  Michigan State lost.  That’s it.   That’s all there is too it.  And then that punt play happened and all hell broke lose.  I’m not gonna cry.  I’m not going to pout.   I’m not going to say that if MSU had any integrity they’d refuse to accept that victory.  I’m just never going to talk about it again.  It’s over. I’m past it. I’m onto Indiapolis and that’s that.   The Pats are gonna beat the Colts by 100 and that’s all that matters right now.   Michigan what?  Michigan who?  Don’t talk to me about Michigan. Everybody at Barstool is forbidden to talk about this play. I’m the boss. What I say goes. Nobody wants to talk about that play. Only people who live in Michigan even care about that game.  It was a stupid doodoo play.  I’m an NFL guy anyway. Who are the starting pitchers tonight in the NLCS? It’s a beautiful night. The store is open and tshirts will be tshirts sold.

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