My Christmas MVP Goes Out To The One And Only Thurman Merman

Year after year we watch the same movies over and over around Christmas. A Christmas Story, Home Alone, etc etc. Those are well and good and deserve the reputation that they maintain. But I feel like this is the first year Bad Santa has gotten the shine it deserves. Finally. It’s got everything you could ever need. Drunken debauchery, a kinky slut, a midget, and a dead grandmother. A formula for a classic if I’ve ever seen one.

But above all those diabolical characters stands one portly little fucker. The one they call Thurman. Kid’s a dynamo. My favorite Christmas character ever created and I won’t hear otherwise. All the kid wanted was a pink elephant for Christmas and to make a few sammiches. Next thing you know he’s got an advent calendar full of boner pills. Kid possesses a level of naivety that could never be replicated. Every time I hear that yelp when they’re teaching him how to box, I just lose it. Piss my britches every fucking time. Hysterical.

So what was the point of this blog? Just to spread some holiday cheer for some of the poor folks (like myself) who are trapped in the cube on this miserable Friday. We’re subjected to so much shit we didn’t sign up for and today is proof positive of that. Just like our boy Thurman. So let’s enjoy some video clips featuring my Christmas MVP while we try to run this clock out. Merry Christmas.


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