Roger Goodell Tells DeAngelo Williams He Can’t Wear Pink Wristbands Throughout the Season To Honor His Mother Who Died From Breast Cancer Because It’s A Uniform Violation



SAN DIEGODeAngelo Williams was told over the phone by NFL vice president of football operations Troy Vincent that he couldn’t wear pink accessories throughout the season because there are no exceptions to the uniform policy, the Pittsburgh Steelers running back told ESPN on Monday night. Williams, who lost his mother, Sandra Hill, to breast cancer in May 2014, dyed the tips of his hair pink instead. He wanted to wear pink shoes or pink wristbands throughout the year, not just during the traditional breast cancer awareness month of October, to honor his mother and those who have lost loved ones to breast cancer. How did the news make Williams feel? “The same way it made you feel after you heard it — like, man,” he said. “He told me no. I’m assuming they are telling everybody else no as well. … It wasn’t about selling it. You know and I know and everybody else knows before I made the phone call.” Williams told Salters: “It’s not just about October for me; it’s not just a month, it’s a lifestyle. It’s about getting women to recognize to get tested.” The NFL did not immediately respond to requests seeking comment on its decision.


Usually I think Roger Goodell is the devil. But the guy kind of has a case here. I mean if you let DeAngelo Williams wear pink wristbands to honor his dead mother than pretty soon every Tom, Dick and Harry who had a loved one pass away from breast cancer is going to want to wear pink. Combine that with bloggers posting unauthorized gifs and that’s how you end up with complete chaos in the streets. Nope you got to take a stand somewhere. No more honoring dead relatives who died from breast cancer. You can do it in October but that’s it. Once the promotion to generate good will and pretend the NFL gives a damn about women ends, the promotion ends.

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