Flight Attendant Kicks Woman Off Plane And Gets Booed By The Passengers

KATU - Bill Byrne was sitting one row behind the woman who was kicked of American Airlines Flight 408.  “I’ve seen people who deserve that but never actually seen somebody thrown off a plane,” Byrne told KATU. He recorded video on his cellphone of the incident. The woman can be heard crying, asking flight attendants what she did wrong. Moments later, you can hear many passengers booing the flight crew. “It was nuts, and that poor woman was so upset. She handled it well, but you could tell it was super embarrassing for her,” Byrne said. Passengers seated toward the front of the plane reported what could have been a miscommunication between the woman and a flight attendant who needed the aisle to be cleared.


As much as the video appeared to show the flight attendant on a major power trip, I’m going to side with him. On airplanes, you walk to your seat, sit down, and shut up. You should never even speak to a flight attendant. A friendly head nod is acceptable, anything else you are doing too much. So for this woman to get booted from the plane, that means she did more than just find her seat and sit. I need to hear the flight attendant’s side just to further justify the action. Now, the people boo’ing the flight attendant, they need to chill. This guy could go full Kindergarten Cop on their asses and start sending them one by one straight off the plane with the sobbing woman. When I’m on a plane, first I look around to make sure that if we crash I can get out of the plane before everyone else. Try to see if there is a baby or small child I can use as a weapon. Then I take pills that are not necessarily legal and go to sleep before the plane even takes off. I have a 6 hour flight to Reno next week and I might not say a single word the entire time. Zero percent chance I get booted. Moral of the story is don’t even give yourself a chance to get thrown off. That’s why I’m team flight attendant here, even though clearly he was a major cunt.

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