Why Is Brian Dawkins Giving Pump Up Speeches At Texas A&M And Not In My Living Room?

So let me get this straight – The Jacksonville born, Clemson attended, Philadelphia legend who also played in Denver is now giving pump up speeches at College Station. I mean, sure. If Weapon X is just gonna motivate anyone, anywhere I’ll put my name on the 200-year waiting list to give me just one of these bad boys. I’ll give the greatest I GOT DAT SHIT right in the Wolverine’s face before blogging my balls to the bone.

But seriously, why was Dawkins at Texas A&M? His kid getting recruited there or is this just for show? Regardless, a B- pump up speech compared to Dawkins’ normal efforts (which is still an A in most people’s books), but whatever gets the job done.

Except in Philly this year, of course. Still a lotta time left to work…

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