Matt Harvey Skips Mandatory Team Work Out Today. Only Player Who Didnt Show Up

Hey Matt Harvey do me a favor and stop being a fucking ASSHOLE for like a week. Just try it out for one goddam week. See how it works out for you. Because what you’re currently doing right now ISNT WORKING AT ALL. The controversy around you just fucking died down. The dreadful slump to the regular season finally wearing off as we’re like 72 hours from our first playoff game in a decade. A game that you probably should have started but wont allow yourself to. And you skip a mandatory meeting just to whip up the shitstorm once again? I mean honestly who the fuck does this kid’s PR? Who are the people in his camp that let him get away with this bullshit?? Its ridiculous. Now, obviously this little mandatory workout means nothing. I dont think it affects players at all one iota. But if theres a mandatory meeting and literally every other player on the team is there and you’re the asshole skipping out, you’re just asking for drama. The New York Media is gonna be all the fuck over this. Instead of gearing up for the playoffs and focusing on how to slay the 2 headed monster of Kershaw and Grienke, you’ll be sitting at your locker answering questions about where you were during a team practice. You’ll be talkin bout practice, man. Not a game. Not a game. They’ll wanna talk to you about practice.

Honestly whichever PR firm reps Harvey should just go out of business. Absolutely CANNOT handle your public affairs any worse than this guy.

Pitch a gem Game 3 and nobody cares. But game 3 is a week away and now you have yet another controversy for you and your teammates to deal with. You certainly make it as hard as fucking possible on yourself, Matt. For a guy that said he wanted to be the Next Jeter he has done literally every single thing wrong.

PS – This excuse sucks but at the same time tunnel traffic is no joke

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