Jim Tomsula Ripped A JUICY Fart During His Press Conference And This Is Why He Is King




That’s it right there. I know some people thought my bracket yesterday was wrong when I had Tomsula winning the whole thing but this perfectly sums it up. He’s an animal, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. He’s here to coach football, chew some dip, fart in your face, and mumble a couple of words. You want to take this outside? We can take this outside. A mic’d up man who can fart in front of a group of reporters is a man I want on my side, end of story.



“I’m going for it, hope it doesn’t make a sound”







Farting at press conferences, 1-2 start, not being able to speak. I’m starting to worry about my dad. He may not survive this season.


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