Baltimore Leading the League in Suspending 3 Year Olds From School

Sun - Dozens of pre-kindergartners were suspended last school year in Maryland, with the most suspensions in Baltimore, highlighting a little-known practice that some education experts say is too extreme for toddlers who are just being introduced to educational settings. The number of out-of-school suspensions in Baltimore for children ages 3 and 4 nearly doubled since the previous year to 33, according to data provided by the city school system. Some other area districts reported just a handful of pre-K suspensions in the last school year, while Anne Arundel County reported 19 and Howard County officials said they have never suspended a child that young. Most of the students were suspended for physical attacks on teachers or students, though a handful were suspended for offenses such as sexual activity, possession of a firearm or other guns, inciting a public disturbance, and vandalism. The data also show that pre-kindergartners were suspended for insubordination and disrespect, classroom disruption and refusing to obey school policies.

What the fuck kids! You guys are too fucking young to be fucking in the cubbies. I’m thinking back to when I was 4. What on earth could anyone have done to warrant a suspension from school? Like, I have to believe these kids are actually mutants from another planet. As if going into Baltimore wasn’t scary enough, we have the living dead of preschoolers taking over the city. What sort of preschool class of kids is running around biting teachers and finger banging little Sally under the monkey bars? Possession of firearms? Are we sure we aren’t just talking about biting their poptart into the shape of a gun? If we can’t keep 3 and 4 year olds in school without them forming mini al qaedas and sex rings in the sandbox, maybe it’s time to cancel Baltimore schools all together. Just keep the kids at home until they can learn their ABCs without blowing each other’s heads off.

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