MUST WATCH: Cutest Little Girl In The History of Earth Freaks Out When She's Given Pats Tickets For Her Birthday

I’m on the record as not being a “kids” guy. Don’t see what all the hype is about. Well guess what? If all kids are like this little girl I want a million of them. Like this is the cutest girl of all time. I almost cried watching this video I was so happy for her. Just sheer joy that she’s going to the Pats game. Sheer joy at being given a Tom Brady jersey. Hey Goodell you tried to take this away from this girl. You tried to ruin her hopes and dreams. Your tried to be the Grinch that stole football you jerk. Not on our watch you don’t! You think any other little kid in the country gets this excited for another football team? For a Eli Manning or Joe Flacco or Russell Wilson shirt? No chance. Today we are all Patriots!

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