Woman Caught On Tape Saying She Was Going To Throw Her Shoe At The Pope's Head

Gawker – One D.C. woman is surely hell-bound after CNN’s livefeed caught audio ofher discussing a desire to throw her shoe at Pope Francis’s head before his address to Congress Thursday. The seemingly Southern-accented woman articulated her plot—to “take my shoe off and throw it at his head”—as the blissfully ignorant pope walked into the chamber. Fortunately for security, though perhaps unfortunately for CNN producers, she ultimately chose not to assault the holy father.

And you have the dummy Jews like Portnoy wondering why the Pope rolls around in bullet proof Popemobiles. “Why would anyone ever want to hurt the most powerful religious icon in the world!” says Dave. Tragedy I wasnt on the Rundown yesterday to defend il Papa and his right to protection. You got hillbillies like this woman who want to throw their shoes at his head. Who knows what other kind of maniacs out there want to kill him. You dont think some gun toting lunatic in Texas who loves the Death Penalty doesnt wanna shoot the Pope? You fucking nuts bro? If anything the Pope is probably legitimately the most likely person in the world to be assassinated. I feel like I’ve been holding my breath all week hoping he makes it back home safely. All sorts of religious nuts out there trying to throw shoes at the throne. Matter of fact lets just wrap this trip up. Its been fun but lets just get Pope back to his Pope house and let him do Pope things in the safety of the Vatican.


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