Awesome College Stoolie Affected By Rare Genetic Disease Is An Inspiration To Life

HuffPo – Joey Mullaney is a college junior at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut, where it is a rite of passage to hike Sleeping Giant mountain. A high school class valedictorian, Joey is reportedly “an amazing young man…taking Quinnipiac by storm” both academically and socially. He was born with Friedreich’s Ataxia, an autosomal recessive inherited disease that causes progressive damage to the nervous system. Because the FA has confined him to a wheelchair, Joey thought he couldn’t climb Sleeping Giant. His Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity brothers decided he could. They are an example for all of us. Help Joey and others who have Friedreich’s Ataxia find a cure on October 11th by joining a RideAtaxia team or donating to the SigEp Team who helped Joey climb the mountain.

[Editor’s Note: An Intern Slave Brosh production.]

This one hits home for not only me, but for the Barstool community. Since my time at Quinnipiac, I have had the pleasure of Knowing Joey Mullaney. He has been one of the nicest people that I have come across since coming to school, even with him being an obnoxious Pats fan. Joey however has been battling FA, which is also known as Friedreich’s Ataxia. Due to this disease, my boy Joey has confined to a wheelchair, however that has not stopped him. There is nobody I know that is around campus more often, making it to more hockey games, and of course- dominating Toads more than Joey is. To say this kid is the man is an understatement. The kid is also one of the biggest Stoolies I know and was one of the first people to reach out and give me well wishes when Smitty brought me on for the rest of the foreseeable future in August. This kid and his fraternity brothers (Who also happen to be major Stoolies and pretty above average people) have started to raise money to find a cure for FA and are hosting a 10 mile community bike ride through Connecticut in October. However, the goal is set at $50,000 bucks and they need some help. I will say this: IF WE CAN MAKE THEM GET TO $50,000 I WILL PERSONALLY MAKE THIS 10 MILE TREK ON BIKE OR BY FOOT. I will do it, someway… some how. (And we will film it to watch me possibly croak in the middle of Connecticut)

Link to donate to the cause and to see me ride a bike in spandex here.

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