Porn Star Alleges Carmelo Anthony Refused To Pay Her $15,000 Fee For Sex, Threatens To Release Some Sort Of Video Of Him

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BSO Porn star Jazmine Cashmere went on a Twitter rant earlier today and threatened to expose a NY Knick player that didn’t pay her following an evening of fun. Until an hour ago she left out the players name, despite posting his phone number earlier, and dropped suddle hints as to which player it was. We all thought she had dropped the beef when the player caved and paid her the requested $15k. It now seems as though something was wrong with the transaction because she’s back and on the war path & dropping names. The video would take these claims from  mere speculation & a plea for attention to a very real scandal. Until she makes the alleged video available we all just have to sit tight and take this all with a grain of salt.

Yo. 15K for that chick is OUTRAGEOUS. I dont think I’d even pay 15 dollars for that. That might just be a white guy vs black guy thing, I dunno. I’m not one to peruse the “Ebony” section of porn hub. There’s only one black porn star I love and I dont know her name. But there always one video of her slurping some white guy’s D and I know you all know which one I’m talking about.

But I am not apprised of Jazmine Cashmere’s work, nor do I need to be. One look at her and I can tell you shes not a girl who a goddam $130 million NBA player should be fucking, let alone paying $15,000 to fuck. Now, thats not saying Carmelo didnt do it. Carmelo is a bum. He’s absolutely the type to get blackmailed and exploited by an ugly hooker on the internet. Thats just Melo doing Melo things. He wears funny hats, he designs Ninja Turtles, and he gets extorted by ugly porn stars. Thats the franchise cornerstone I want eating up tons of cap space! This chick is just too confident and too cocky with all her shit talking for this to be completely fabricated. Where there’s smoke there’s fire, or in this case where there’sugly porn stars tweeting like they are holding all the cards, there’s probably a sex tape of you.

Please LORD let Melo fix this situation. Not because I’m worried about the repercussions or upset it might be a distraction to the team. Only because I do NOT want to see a Carmelo Anthony sex tape. That will be a video that I absolutely do not want to press play and yet I 100% will. I bet you Melo wears his headband and his rib protector during sex. Gotta be the most selfish lover on earth too. Doesnt make anybody in bed with him any better.

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