From Having a Concussion, To Maybe Not Having a Concussion, To Instagram Drama, To Being Demoted To Backup And Not Being Cut, A Complete Recap Of All The Preseason RG3 Drama

Here we are, Labor Day Monday. Just 6 days from the Skins first game of the 2015 regular season. But I’m exhausted already. In the 4 preseason games (that they went 3-1 in, nbd) the Redskins provided enough drama to last a lifetime. But how lucky am I that it was just preseason?! We have 17 weeks of football left. This is what has happened so far, and I’m excited to see what will happen next.

Preseason Week 1 - All was quiet on the home front. The Skins played the Browns in preseason game 1, and Skins nation had a lot of anticipation to see how Robert would look. He ended the game 4/8 for 36 yards, but one of those incompletions was this wide-open drop by Pierre Garcon that the NFL Twitter chirped him about

That play is important for 2 reasons: 1) The Redskins conspiracy theorists who call into the Fan actually think Garcon dropped it on purpose to try and get Robert benched. And 2) It really skewed his stats, leading Redskins fans and media to fire up the QB controversy machine right then and there after Kirk Counsins went 12/14. It was at that exact moment I knew I was in for a hell of a season, but oh how little I really knew.

“The Best Quarterback in the League” - This one was a bit overblown, but that’s what happens when you are Robert Griffin and you say anything, people react. I didn’t have a huge problem with him saying it- he was trying to say that to become the best QB in the league you have to think you are the best QB in the league. It came off poorly though and he was executed for it. The Skins restricted his media accessibility and we began to question how he hasn’t learned to be better with the media at this point.

The Concussion Saga – Ahhh yes, Lions vs Redskins in a meaningless preseason game. If it was an episode of Friends, it would have been titled “The One Where RG3 Was Murdered In Front Of America In a Meaningless Preseason Game Because a Player Who Didn’t Even Make The Roster Was Starting at Tackle”.  I think we all remember those hits, but let’s take a look anyway:

So that’s when it got real interesting. Because Jay Gruden reported RG3 suffered a concussion, but at the same time Robert was saying he didn’t. Lots of confusion later, RG3 says he actually has no idea whether he has a concussion or not. Because somehow that is even possible? That was on August 27th, two days before preseason game number 3 vs Baltimore, in which RG3 did not play.

Drama in the Locker Room – One day before the 3rd preseason game that Kirk Cousins started, we got a little dose of the all too common locker room drama surrounding RG3. It was reported by the Washington Post that the offensive linemen are mad at Griffin for making them look bad. It’s just more of the same, anonymous players talking bad about the quarterback to the media. It’s funny/sad how used to it we are at this point that I barely batted an eye.

Concussion Saga, Part 2: He’s Cleared to Play…Wait No Nevermind, No He’s Not - An all time classic. Was cleared to start the preseason game vs the Ravens…

…but nahhhhhh. Turns out he wasn’t cleared at all. Actually, as I type this on September 7th at 2:20am, he still hasn’t been cleared. And want to guess what happened with the doctor who mis-diagnoses him? He resigned. Yep. That doctor quit. Seems like RG3 isn’t the first athlete to be fucked up by this guy. Meet former MLS player Alecko Eskandarian. Bizarro world shit.

I Leave The House And Crazy Things Start Happening - One of the funniest things this preseason was every time I left the house to grab food, shit went down. As a blogger on this website, the bossman Pres has trained us to be connected to our laptop 24 hours a day. So of course I go to grab a bite to eat and it is leaked that Kirk Cousins is named starter…not just for the preseason game, but for week 1 vs Miami.

Then I left the house for dinner and what do you know, it starts being reported that the Skins are dying to cut or trade RG3 but Dan Snyder won’t let them. I’m gulping down dinner trying to get back to the laptop as the ESPN bottom-line ticker is rubbing it in my face that I can’t leave the house for 3 seconds without Redskins shit going down.

And then the next morning while I was getting an iced coffee it was officially reported (At first it was just a scoop/leak and then the next morning the entire team was told in a meeting…meaning they went like 12 hours of not knowing what was going on) that Cousins was the Redskins starting quarterback. Which was big news, because the #RG3Watch was officially on. Would he be cut? Would he stay as a backup? Would sports talk radio ever talk about anything ever again?

Maybe if I keep leaving the house Colt will be starting by week 3? A man can dream.

The Great Instagram Like of 2015 – Oh yes, the best story of the offseason. The phantom Instagram like.

Awkwardddddd. Would he say he was hacked? Would he turn full heel and throw double middle fingers in the air and say fuck this team? Nope. After he caught wind that I Jared Carrabis’d him, he put up an Instagram pic of his own, responding to my blog about his post:

It was the Instagram intern at 10pm with a iPhone, but of course! I mean if you believe that some random intern has his Instagram password and was doing something on it at 10pm then I have some Twitter stock to sell you.

Good thing he said he was off social media getting super-focused on the season, because the next day he did the funniest move of all time and put a copyright on a stock photo he found on Google image search.

Robert Griffin III Makes The Team! - And after all of that, all the drama, Robert Griffin III was not cut, and he made the 53 man roster, even though if he gets hurt they owe him 16 million dollars, no matter what. Seems like an awful lot of money to pay an injury-prone backup quarterback, but what do I know? That 16 million dollar option is such a joke, and it’s now clear that was a Dan Snyder decision, not Scot McCloughan. Might really end up fucking them, but that’s yet to be seen.

And what’s funny is there were so many other storylines from the past month that weren’t even Robert Griffin related:

Signing sackmaster/possible woman beater Junior Galette to a cheap as hell deal, teaming him up with HBKerrigan…

…and then losing Galette for the season.

When the Redskins reported that 8 billion people read about their 2014 training camp was hilarious.

The fight at training camp between the Skins and Texans where Pierre Garcon called JJ Watt a fuck boy.

Who can forget Chris Cooley begging the Skins to give him a chance?

And last but not least, when it was discovered the the Redskins are the only team that charges you to leave tickets at will call, and that charge is $50.

I think I got it all. Six more days til the regular season kicks off. Think it’s finally time to push Dan Snyder off a mountain. Someone step up and do it. HTTR.

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