CMU Turns Up Hard...192 Students Arrested Or Cited During Welcome Weekend

MOUNT PLEASANT, MINearly 200 people were cited or arrested during this year’s Welcome Weekend at Central Michigan University.

Police in Mount Pleasant responded to 572 calls for service from 7 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 27 to 7 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 30, according to an Aug. 30 press release from the Mount Pleasant Police Department.

“There were a few more (minor in possession of alcohol) citations this year and about 30 more for open intoxicants,” said Public Information Officer Jeff Browne. “Those are the only significant upticks.”

The entire weekend saw 192 people cited for various reasons. Citations included five for disorderly conduct, 56 for minor in possession of alcohol, two for nuisance party-attending, nine for nuisance party-hosting, 107 for open intoxicants, one for operating a vehicle while intoxicated, two for possession of drugs, seven for resisting and obstructing, one for retail fraud and two warrant arrests.

With a higher number of people in the city, Mount Pleasant police had to step up enforcement with additional agencies assisting during the weekend. Browne said the help made a difference in handling the thousands of students in the area.

“We were better able to deal with the crowds of people because of the people we brought in,” he said. “It seemed like most of the problem was the Bellows to High area with a large group on Main and Washington streets. It was very congested.”

Almost TWO HUNDRED people cited or arrested? In one weekend? Jesus, either Central Michigan was turning the FUCK up, CMU campus cops were feeling extra power-trippy, or a combination of both. I’d say both. Nothing like a long quiet summer of issuing parking tickets to get you fiending for the authority-driven ego boost that slapping cuffs on a college kid for public intoxication can give you.

I mean I’ll give you the 1 DUI and the 2 warrant arrests (and maybe the retail fraud just because I’m not exactly sure what that entails). But 107 for open containers? 56 minors in possession? “Nuisance party attending”? “Nuisance party hosting”? Seriously? Give me a fucking break. It’s Welcome Week at a college, turn a blind eye to some kids having some fun for me one time.

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Big time savvy from the frat scene with the positive PR on week 1, starting the year off on the right foot.

Greek Life at CMU also helped with clean up along Main and Washington streets after Welcome Weekend, Browne said. Broken glass, empty cups and discarded cans littered the yards along the street.

“Fifty-six Greek Life members came out to pick up the trash,” he said. “We had 65 bags of garbage by the end of it, including one table and one inflatable pool.”

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