It Doesn't Get Better Than The Pregame Speech From The Coach Of Team Texas




A+ speech right here and so perfectly Texas. As soon as he dropped that Southern drawl “Looooooove” I knew we were in for something special and when he wrapped it up with “GIVE YOUR HEART TO THE GREATEST STATE AROUND, THE STATE OF TEXAS!” I started going nuts. No one loves anything as much as Texans love Texas. It was such a good speech that it made me switch allegiances from California to Texas (unless Cali had won, in which case I not have switched.)



Also,  I’ve thought about it a lot and as much as I love Coach Taylor, adding a “Clear eyes, full hearts” or a Riggins “Texas forever!” would’ve made it lame. This was just whiskey fire straight from the belly. Stealing lines from a TV show, no matter how awesome they are, would’ve made it too fake.

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