Special Mid-Week Edition Of Porn Comments Featuring Porn Stars Reading Them

First Installment of Pornstars Reading Mean Comments

Again, I’m not going to sit here and act like I was the first person in human existence to be fascinated with the comment section of Pornhub. There have been things like “Pornhub comments on stock photos” before. But after months and months of compiling bizarro comments from the biggest freaks on the internet, it’s just interesting to see videos like this popping up. Coincidence? Maybe. But probably not. Whatever, Pornhub. I’ll just keep giving you all these press for free and not expect anything in return… buncha pricks.

Anyway, it may not be Friday but there’s never not a good time to sit down and enjoy some freaks doing what they do best and actually leaving comments on internet porn. Here were some of the greatest hits.

Heh. That was actually a good one.

Gotta be honest, I think this is a compliment. Sure, a ton of people hate Nickelback. But in reality, they kick ass.

Do you get it? Because Stevie Wonder is a blind man and he can’t see (allegedly). DO YOU GET IT?

Truer words have never been spoken. People who go bald naturally gross me out.

This is quite possibly the meanest and cruelest thing you could ever say to another human being. RIP Abigail Mac.

I just can’t believe 69luv69 or BarackNDatAZZObama didn’t make the cut anywhere in this video. For shame.

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