An American Hero: Announcer Randomly Drops A Story Mid-Game That BYU's Richie Saunders Great Grandfather Invented Tater Tots
Wait a gosh darn (respect BYU) minute here. I watch way too many basketball games, how is this just being brought up now? Richie Saunders great grandfather invented tater tots? That's one of the most important inventions we have. I'm not even a huge tater tots fan, but I'm a dad. My family runs on tater tots over the weekend on lunch. How do we just randomly get this dropped though in March? This has to be brought up during Feast Week.
This makes me even more mad he didn't transfer to Kentucky with Mark Pope. You're telling me we have a tater tot god on the roster and you get an extra win or two somewhere. People go nuts for tater tots and you have an NIL deal sitting right there. Again, this is something that needs to be brought up before March because this is all we'll hear when it comes to Richie Saunders.
Incredible though. I love when you get random stories in March. BYU is a damn good team, Richie Saunders is an all-conference player, this shouldn't be a tater tot legend, but he is. The legend grows and now I want to eat some tater tots.