Curt Schilling's Facebook Is Roughly A Million Times More Ridiculous Than His Twitter (UPDATE - ESPN Pulled Schilling From LLWS Coverage)




So those are Curt’s posts and shares. Not exactly normal, but really not too surprising either. Facebook is the #1 place for people who can’t think for themselves to share racist memes with each other. Schilling really has every box checked off here. He’s got the weirdly sexual post with his wife, “Honey I love looking at your tits!” to go with the “Black people don’t HAVE to be criminals,” defense of the Confederate flag and the “Muslims are terrorists” stuff. Again, nothing really surprising, pretty much the standard ranting of the standard “I’m not being racist I’m just speaking the truth” guy.



But then you get into his WWII collection and, well…





That is WAY too much Nazi garb, Curt. Way, way too much. To be fair, he’s got a lot of World War II things. There’s American gear in there too. But maybe keep it to like one Nazi jacket? A closet with every Nazi jacket in existence is super excessive man. I’m not saying Curt is a Nazi we know he thinks they’re like Muslim extremists and we certainly know how he feels about Muslims. But there’s definitely a weird fetish going on here. Maybe it’s for some naughty role play? Maybe he puts it on when he wants to just yell racist shit? I’m not sure. I just know that unless you’re an actual museum then that is way too much Nazi shit to own.



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