Kurt Angle Says Rikishi Once Gave Him The Stinkface After Taking A Dump And Not Wiping

Bro - WHAT?! EXCUSE ME?! Rikishi....did....what now? And Kurt Angle just....took it?!

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There are "ribs" in wrestling….and then there's this. 

According to Kurt Angle on Chris Van Vliet's podcast, Rikishi once took a shit and didn't wipe before hitting him with a stinkface in a match back in the day. It appears to be one of these two incidents based on the internet's research….

Angle says when he got backstage, Rikishi was laughing so hard that he couldn't even be mad - and I can't fucking believe that. 

Taking the stinkface from a freshly showered Rikishi seems bad enough. It's another man rubbing his large sweaty ass in your face. There's obviously nothing about that anyone wants any part of. 

Dropping a shitty stinkface as a prank, though? That is fucking diabolical. I think the only thing that could be worse would be Mankind hitting someone with a cum-stained Mr Socko.

Apologies for putting that thought in your head.

I'm surprised Kurt Angle didn't throw hands and shoot on Rikishi immediately here. I know it would've been insanely unprofessional and risky on live television, but c'mon - Angle could've legitimately killed him/had him rolled up into a ball of limbs in an instant. He won an Olympic Gold Medal with a broken fricken neck for heaven's sake….

….and it wouldn't be the only time he went off script and got into it for real in front of a live audience!

Here's Kurt Angle talking about that incident if you're curious.

Rikishi must've either been extremely liked, extremely feared, or both back in the day. And if Angle had this experience with the stinkface as a friend of Rikishi's, I can't even imagine how many others faced the same fate over the years. I bet some got it even worse. 

Who woulda thought the entire landscape of pro wrestling two decades later would be focused around his kids and nephews?

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