Tom Brady Finally Got A Chance To Get His Revenge On Brandon Graham

Tom Brady has the most Super Bowl rings out of anybody to ever play in the National Football League. He's the owner of 7 rings. But for a guy as competitive as Tom Brady, sometimes the rings you thing about the most are the ones that were ripped off of your finger. He might have 7 of those things right now, but you know for sure that he'd feel a helluva lot better with 8. 

But that 8th ring was strip sacked off his finger by Brandon Graham 7 years ago. 

Now the fact that Tom Brady went out and won another Super Bowl the following season probably helps him forget about this moment for the most part. I'm sure the fact he went on to win another one with the Bucs definitely allows him to sleep at night without this clip of BG taking him down keeping him up in a cold sweat. But the fact still remains--Tom Brady had a chance to march down field to put a dagger in the Eagles in Super Bowl LII, but Brandon Graham said no. 

All these years later, Tom finally gets his revenge. He finally gets to wrap up BG. He probably didn't inflict any pain on 55 considering he just had surgery and is probably still flying a little high on the percocet. But this was the closure he needed. I'm sure there was a part of him that was worried about making the trip to Philly today, but this makes it a successful trip. He can finally move on with the rest of his life. I'm happy for him. 

Go Birds. 


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