A 22-Year-Old TikTokker Dances Next to Her Elderly Sugar Daddy's Hospital Bed, and For Some Reason People Object to This Behavior

Everyone, allow me to introduce you to Bronwin Aurora. Bronwin, meet everyone. I think this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
Bronwin is so much more than just another Gen-Z whose parents named their kid after a character from the Song of Fire and Ice books (and struggle with spelling). She's a proud part of the worst subset of any generation ever. The vapid, self-possessed, solipsistic narcissists who chose the worst word ever to identify themselves: Influencers. Perhaps never before in human history has any group ever voluntarily self-selected a title so guaranteed to the world hate them without knowing another thing about them.
And yet, any time Influencers like Aurora take to the internet to confirm that yes, they're just as terrible as we think they are, the world responds with a blended cocktail of shock and disgust, with notes of moral indignation. Like this, for example:

NY Post - Horrified social media users put a young Tiktokker on blast after she shared a “disturbing” video dancing next to her much older boyfriend in a hospital bed while boasting about getting an inheritance.
The video started with Bronwin Aurora, 22, in black jeans and a tan halter top dancing to the caption “guys I got on the will, should I pull the plug?” as she frolicked inches away from where her decades older boyfriend laid in a hospital bed surrounded by medical devices.
Another clip posted by the Toronto-based model in the same hospital room showed her kneeling over and kissing her elderly boyfriend’s hand before jumping up and dancing to Odetari’s song “Keep Up” with lyrics that state “Keep up, I’m too fast, I’m too fast, push my foot up on that pedal, then I’m gone G-g-g-gone, gone, gone.” ...
Aurora’s viral TikTok video, which some believe was a joke, has been viewed over 481K times but social media users have a wide range of criticism for the content creator with over 1.2 million followers.
“Love your care for humanity,” one person quipped. ...
“You’re dancing like he has one hell of a life insurance policy,” one person wrote.
“I hope he gives everything to his kids,” another stated.
People, people, people. What are we doing here? What's with the righteous indignation? There's a lot in this world to be disgusted by. But an asinine, frivolous, amoral skank taking advantage of an lonely old man who may or may not be on his deathbed is not one of them.
Have we forgotten how the whole Golddigger/Sugar Daddy dynamic works? This has been going on for time immemorial. He's got resources. He's willing to offer them in exchange for attention from an Ontario 6.5. It's strictly transactional. What else does everyone else want with his "humanity" talk? Respect? Common interest? Bonding? Emotional attachment? Please. That's not how this is supposed to work. This is how it works:
Whomever this sundowning old fart is, I'll bet he's fine with it. He's spending his final years - or weeks or days, from the looks of him - with a semi-attractive if shallow Canadian hosehound. And whatever money he has at Cartier in payment of her services. If he wanted true love, he'd have gotten a dog. So lay off Ms. Aurora. She's only doing her job. Digging for gold and entertaining her audience.