Breaking News - The NFL Finally States Their Case: "Roger Goodell Was Not A Neutral Arbitrator" So Being Fair To Tom Brady Is Irrelevant






What’s the next planet after Bananaland?   Bananananaland?   Because that’s where we are at folks.  The NFL has now officially admitted in court that Roger Goodell was NOT a neutral arbitrator.   And somehow this means that all of the examples of judges overturning arbitrator rulings in the past when one party was denied calling a witness doesn’t matter anymore because those cases were supposed to be fair.  This one was never intended to be fair so that’s the difference. You can’t complain about getting screwed when nobody said you had a right to a fair trial in the first place. That’s the NFL’s entire case. The NFL doesn’t have to be fair.  Roger Goodell is not a neutral arbitrator.  He never had any intention of finding out the truth and he doesn’t have to.  He is anti Brady and has been from the beginning and according to the NFL that means he can do whatever he wants.  That’s their words not mine. Yes we’ve already known all of this from the beginning but to see the NFL put it in black and white and actually use it as their best defense?  Hitler would be proud.






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