In A Spectacular Goodbye Middle Finger To The A's, One Of Their Full-Time Employees Posted His Discount Code For All Fans To Use At Their Final Home Games

We've written about the shitshow that is the A's in extensive detail here on Barstool SPORTS:

Somehow someway, tickets were going for upwards of $100 to bid this shitshow of a franchise a proper Oakland farewell. So what did one of their employees do in solidarity with the #SellTheTeam crew? An all-time move by posting his employee discount code for wait for it... a whopping 30% off food and beverage! Besides the fact that 30% is an absolute joke for the employees that keep the ballpark running at full operation for the ten's of people that for whatever reason want to spend their time there, this was objectively a hilarious 4D chess move by the employee. What are they gonna do, fire him?

Apparently the code took them an hour or two to disable, and some fans claimed they got the discount:

If I know anything about John Fisher, the moment he heard about this, he activated DEFCON 5 amongst the poor employees just trying to enjoy one final series at the Coliseum before they play the next few years in West Sacramento. No chance he lets those poor fans get a couple dollars off a $25 beer at his expense. The bad news? The A's are still the A's, and ended up getting smoked by a non-playoff team in the Rangers last night and have one final chance tonight to end in the win column before it's all said and done. My guess is that the People's Employee probably won't be showing up for that shift.

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

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