Addressing the Allegations From the Unnamed Show

So this week I recorded as much content as I could because unfortunately, I had to go do a wellness check on a family member overseas. After losing my checked luggage and trying to refigure flights after cancellation I arrived and still could get no wifi. The situation was gonna be tricky due to the lack of communication with the individual but the simple strategy of going to villages and showing a picture of the only white person that's been there in months was easier than I thought. Lack of internet connectivity and going on a road trip over tricky terrain was exhilarating and thankfully we touched base with the individual a day into looking.
Saw some crazy shit though. Straight-up elephant skull tusks removed and dumped.

So this atypical situation I am currently in might not be the best case to fight Wildcard accusations.
So I had no idea that the Troll Farm CEO I interviewed had become such a point of contention in the office while I was gone.
I booked this guy on short notice to figure out more about the business of trolling and see how much info he may divulge on any Barstool situation. I implore you to listen to the podcast because the short clip that was posted was actually the worst part. The Troll CEO just didn't want to get sued.
I actually agree with KFC that this was a painful listen, but I lowkey made him crack (Craic) by showing what kind of contract he had with Alex and it was for self-promotion. I have seemingly made a certain alliance with the Troll CEO which is a good one to have. The most interesting part is KFC and everyone is right that there have been coordinated attacks, literally, there are Twitter group chats- Reddit chats discords, etc. That hate on people in waves and certain personalities- FOR FREE, the Troll CEO was literally just trying to contract these groups that he could harness for good old capitalism. He knew he could pay someone pennies on the dollar he was getting from publicists who largely were the ones enlisting his services. Check it out it's an interesting pod.
I've built this pod from the ground up and I appreciate how Barstool personalities have been trending some of the highest-listened episodes. I kind of don't want to embrace creating controversy with coworkers for views. I feel like some of the best most interesting episodes have under 1k on YouTube, with names that aren't as viral or noteworthy but have great banter and info. The craic is about interesting people talking about interesting things. Thank you all for listening to the Troll CEO episode there definitely will be similar investigations in the future. Come for the troll episode but please stay for the Brace Belden interview from Truanon. The dude legit fought ISIS and is a legit communist revolutionary, we disagree on a lot but respect the fuck out of him fighting for what he believes in. A real warrior in a sea of keyboard welders.
It's hard to book guests by yourself twice a week and build something without production, booking, sales, etc. Shoutout Nicky Quinn, he's been riding with me since the congressional campaign. Best producer in the game and no better man to help make this work(I pay him but not enough). I know a lot of you guys think the Unnamed show wasn't exactly complimenting me and the pod. But the part about a couple of yards away from Audiocraic being officially in the Barstool umbrella is pumping the team at Audiocraic up.
I recently sourced an ad deal and have been putting in a lot of leg work to get a sponsor for the show. If we bring in money we get the official stamp of approval. Been working hard on this pod the past couple of months since a serious shakeup in my Barstool career. Something like this is small and trivial in the podcast world of podcasts, but it reinforces the urge to not quit when the labor isn't giving direct gratification. The job is not finished though. Gotta keep pushing.
Please check it out there are already 33 episodes and got some great Craic'.