It Appears The Eagles Are Focusing On Getting Hit In The Nuts This Preseason

I never played football growing up. I was too busy playing real sports like lacrosse. So you'll have to excuse me if I don't know if this contraption is commonplace at training camp or not. I'm just going to assume it's not, however, because a lot fewer people would be playing football if everybody had to run through a machine that punches you in the dick before every season. 

The Eagles had a massive meltdown to finish out the season last year. These jackasses lost 6 out of their last 7 games in truly abysmal fashion. One of the biggest things the team seemed to be lacking during that stretch was accountability. So the team is making up for it during training camp. We've heard there has been more of an emphasis on conditioning so far this camp, but now making the ball carriers get their nuts crushed to make sure they hold onto the ball? That's a harsh, yet fair, punishment to make sure they don't have the same type of meltdown this year. 

Unfortunately for DeVonta Smith, that's a lesson he won't soon forget. At least not until his balls drop down from his chest. But while he's waiting for those balls to drop, the good news is that he didn't drop the most important ball during that drill. Bad news for the 14 teams on the Eagles' schedule this year. You can hit DeVonta Smith in the sack as hard as you want this year and you're still not going to force a fumble. Balls of steel. 


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