Newest Olympic Drama: A Conspiracy Theory That France Made The Pool 'Slow' On Purpose Because They Are Still Pissed At Jason Lezak And Michael Phelps

I'm not going to sit here and tell you I know what a pool is supposed to be. It's supposed to be warm with water, that's all I got. I'm not an Olympic swimmer. But if I see a bunch of people talking about the pool being slow because it's way more shallow than it should be, I'm going to get pissed. I can't help it. I see people competing for the USA, I become an expert on the sport no matter what. I also think we should win gold in every event no matter what. Just the way my dumb brain works.

But what I do love is a good conspiracy theory and we got it here. This is the perfect ending to a conspiracy theory too: 

Shove a baguette up their ass is the new US swimming motto. Forget the rivalry with Australia, it's time to have a rivalry with the French Olympic committee and whoever made the pool. I can't blame them if they are still pissed at Michael Phelps and Jason Lezak, let's take a quick trip down memory lane. 

HERE COMES LEZAK! One of the all-time great US Olympic moments. A race that's still talked about because it was that good. The Phelps reaction, Rowdy Gaines losing his mind, just a perfect Olympic swimming race. More importantly we beat the French and won gold. That's all that matters here. But if this is why the French made the Olympic pool slow, buddy, we're in for a new rivalry. I will blame every US loss on this. We need it at 3 meters deep, that's just a factual statement based on the 4 things I've read for this blog. 

I know how dumb the conspiracy theory is, but I love it. We need to unite as a country to find something to complain about if we don't win in swimming. It can't be because we're slower, it's the pool that is made to hurt us. 

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