Spin Zone of The Century: Twin Surprises Her Sister By Fucking Her Husband and Getting Pregnant So She Can Raise a Baby of Her Very Own!

Aleksei Isachenko. Shutterstock Images.

Daily Mail - A woman has been left stunned after she discovered her identical twin went behind her back and slept with her husband in order to get pregnant to 'surprise' her sister with a baby.

The story was an anonymous submission to TikToker Belle Blake, (@mrsbelleblake), who is known for her narrations of harrowing tales of domestic abuse sent in by her audience of more than 125,000 followers.

In the re-telling, the woman and her husband had been struggling with infertility for six-and-a-half years.

Let's just establish right off the jump that we all know what really happened here. The husband was cheating on his wife with her twin sister, he accidently got her pregnant, and in a last ditch effort they tried to play-off the pregnancy as something they intentionally did to give the wife who was struggling with fertility problems a baby of her own.

I applaud this cheating husband and his wife's homewrecking bitch of a twin for their efforts. They pushed all their chips into the middle of the table with this spin zone. I didn't come close to working. But boy did they go for it. They knew their backs were against the wall. They were going to have to break the news to the wife eventually. Better to try for the last second Hail Mary from your own 1-yard line with you're 5th string quarterback than just take a knee and call it a game. 

Scientifically it does make sense. It's still going to be a baby with the wife and her husband's genes. But there's not a person in the world who in a million years would try to "surprise" their wife like that. They were cheating and tried to wiggle their way out of it. Case closed.

Not to get political or anything, but I should say what everyone is thinking. If your morals are so insanely low that you're having sex with your sister's husband… and so low that you're going to try and pull off this insultingly blatant lie on her… then what the fuck is stopping you from just aborting the baby? You're already going to hell guys. Aborting the child would only be like the 3rd worst thing you've done so far this blog. Jesus Christ people (no offense). 

Also, I can't think of a bigger waste of time than having an affair with your significant other's identical twin sister. I guess you're still getting to have sex, so from that standpoint it's not a complete waste. But if you're going to have an affair, why on earth would you do it with a women who is EXACTLY THE SAME as your wife? I mean what is the point in that? You're not even getting anything new. You're just fucking your wife except with the added bonus of severe life-altering, family destroying consequences should you happen to get caught. I guess that must be the thrill of it. And I guess the man has a type. 

Honestly this all makes so little sense that I'm almost ready to entertain the idea that these two adulterers are in fact so phenomenally dumb that they really thought this would be a kind gesture. I mean why else would they have even tried this? Why are you cheating your wife with your wife's clone?

I wonder if the two of them plan on going to their graves with this obvious lie. If they just live the rest of their days acting befuddled at how the wife could possibly be upset with them for simply trying to do something nice. And what the hell do you tell the kid? Do they even end up having the kid? Who do they call mom? Well good news, folks. There's an update. Turns out the sex happened a long time ago, and the baby has already been born. Let's see how the happy family elected to handle the situation.

In an update on the situation, as relayed to Bella by the anonymous woman, she said she 'ended up divorcing the husband because no one wants a guy who cheats on them.' 

Then, the twin sister also rejected the husband.

But, it turned out, the twin hadn't ever wanted children of her own and put the baby up for adoption. 

The woman ultimately adopted the baby girl with the twin and the ex-husband signing over their parental rights.

Today, the sisters are no longer on speaking terms - and have agreed that the twin cannot 'be around the child.'

Consequently, the twin no longer attends any family events and the two only see mutual relatives separately.

This husband is one of the true idiots of our time. Wrecked his marriage, and an entire family, and made his daughter's life exceedingly confusing all because he wanted to have sex with a different woman who's actually the same. Hope it was worth it. You now have what might be the most unique family dynamic I've come across outside of Game of Throne.

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