Looking Back At The Time When Woj Used Every Loophole Possible To Tweet Out NBA Draft Picks Without Actually Spoiling Them

Lauren Leigh Bacho. Getty Images.

Happy NBA Draft Day. Tonight, 30 players will hear their names called by Commissioner Adam Silver, and in that moment, their lives will change forever. 

A lot of discussion during a draft of any sport is about how the picks get announced. Of course, the commissioner on the podium is the formal moment that it becomes public, but there is some paperwork and conversations that are happening before the commish takes the stage that makes it official. And somehow, some way, guys like Adrian Wojnarowski have their ear on what's happening before we know it.

Let's flash back to the 2018 NBA Draft, when despite what I'm about to show you, Woj did not technically spoil any of the below draft picks. He used every noun, verb, and adjective in the book without spoiling it straightforward.

Just because you are locked in on something, doesn't mean you are pulling the trigger. Fair play here. This turned out to be just a decent pick as well.

If you are determined to select something, you still have a physically perform the action. No spoil here. 

FIXATED! After some brief research, I can confirm that this is the only time in the history of Woj's Twitter account that he has used that word. 

I am also enamored by the way that Woj continued to use these different verbs. They just keep getting better and better.

Definition? Language of origin? Woj's timeline during the 2018 NBA Draft suddenly turned into a Spelling Bee. 

I guess Woj is a Dr. Evil fan. Cue the GIF…

Giphy Images.

I am enamored and tantalized to see if Woj chooses this route again tonight. I guess you could see I'll be fixated on what he has to say as the picks get announced. I am locked in and determined to find this out.

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