WATCH: A De-aged Forrest Gump Duo Are Reuniting For A New 50's-00's Drama

The story covers the events of a single spot of land and its inhabitants spanning from the past to well into the future.

On it's face, this doesn't seem like a bad type of movie. It's a setup to be cry porn that old people will love and that we will watch to tear up when the old version of these characters return to the home after it is empty. The face that is shares so many elements with Forrest Gump will also get the juices flowing for a lot of people. It doesn't seem like a movie I would rush to see, but whatever! Here is the big problem, though: Robert Zemeckis. 

Zemeckis is undoubtably a big name in cinema. The back to the future trilogy, 'Forrest Gump' and Castaway' are all legendary(whether they all deserve it or not is up to you). Here is the thing, though. Since 2000, Zemeckis has become an addict. Of what, you ask? Technology. 

Just look at that slew of over-animated, motion capture garbage. I don't know what got into his head after 'Cast Away', but he became addicted to burning money to make these awful movies. This new movie seems to toe the line by using de-aging technology. 

We've seen de-aging work well and we've seen it look horrible. Personally, I don't see a problem with just casting a younger actor and trusting your audience. I feel it's easier to suspend your disbelief looking at an entirely different human being vs looking at one reconstructed with CGI. Also, in a movie like this, I think that sheen of a de-aged face could possibly really take you out of that 50's and 60's feel. 

I see the vision Zemeckis is going for here (cry porn) but, as a fan of movies, I think it is time we ban him from new technology for life. 

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