Smart Decision: Sean Payton Got Cataract Surgery So He Can See His Play Sheet Again After Calling The Wrong Play Last Year

Every coach enters the season with a new plan or a new tweak of sorts. Could be a new philosophy on defense, a new quarterback, a new scheme, whatever it is football coaches will try to figure out anything and everything for an advantage. Well, Sean Payton decided to go a different route. Sure he may have traded for Zach Wilson and drafted Bo Nix, but that's not solution number 1. No, no, solution number 1 is getting cataract surgery so he can see his play sheet.

Honestly, I had to check multiple times that it was real. The whole story and headline sounds like something a fake Schefter would tweet out. Not to mention the whole fact he admitted last year he called the wrong play once. Doubtful. It had to be at least a handful of times. Then again did it really matter with Russ Wilson running the show? If you're just now getting cataract surgery to see the play sheet, there's no shot you made a mistake just once a year ago. I refuse to believe it. 

Look, all I'm saying is if he openly admitted to doing it once last year how the hell did he see the play sheet the whole year? It doesn't check out! Either he's lying about doing it once or doesn't want to admit he had a problem calling plays the whole time. Good news is he still has two middle fingers. 

Big time respect the biz moment here with the whoa. Let people ask questions, wuss! Love that he felt the need to call them out too. That's how you stake your claim as being the hard-hitting question guy. Can't wait to see all this unfold in the 4pm window every week. Nothing like watching a pending disaster. 

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