A Catholic Priest WILL Keep His Job After Preaching To His Congregation That Jesus Died With A Big Ol' Boner, Because Science Says He Probably Did

"I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-shirt" - Cal Naughton Jr.

"Well I like to picture Jesus with a big ol' boner, because he had one" - Father Thomas McHale, Priest 

^ Direct quote from the Our Blessed Lady Immaculate Church sermon on Good Friday, probably. And listen, I actually have no problem with it.....if it's factually correct. If people are going to chirp Christians for worshipping a white man that wasn't actually white, then I want them to add in that we're worshipping a man with a flaccid penis when his cock was actually hard as a rock. And according to Father McHale, the science says he had to be.

The 53-year-old told up to 100 shocked parishioners that blood rushing to Christ's lower body as a result of being crucified would have caused an erection.

Well you learn something new every day. After further research, it appears more probable than not that Father McHale is correct. You folks have never heard of a Death Erection? Really puts a new meaning to the term Resurrection. I wonder if Jesus also puts a new meaning to the term hung.

The jokes write themselves with this one. The Second Coming. Jesus was Hung. Talk about getting Nailed. Getting crucified was the original kink. It goes on and on and on. And I personally think it's very funny, but apparently his congregation did not. The way this story goes is that this Priest told his people the real truth on Good Friday, and they all got pissy with him enough to ask to speak with the manager. Filed a complaint to the Diocese, and while the complaint was upheld, he will remain in his position as all he was spitting facts.

Thank God, am I right? Could you imagine a Priest not telling the truth? 

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