Let's Take A Moment To Marvel At This Insanely Clutch Chip From Trent In His Latest Breaking 90

If you haven't watched the full Breaking 90 from Trent, read no further. SPOILER ALERT! 






Trent broke 90, folks. It might legitimately be one of the most impressive achievements I've ever seen on a golf course. The guy spent years trying to break 100, accomplishing that feat just two years ago:

And yesterday, Trent (and Frankie) broke 90. I don't know why, but this is utterly astounding to me. Breaking 90 is real golf. Are we now to assume that in two more years, Trent will break 80? Less time than that? And if that happens, does he simultaneously reveal that he's packing a 14-inch penis and is training to complete an ironman and has been dating EmRata casually, on the side, doesn't really care that much which is why he never told anyone? 

What a man. What a mystery. There is legitimately no way to predict his ceiling. In fact, I don't think it exists. 

Look, I love Trent. He is a child of God. He is pure. I get to spend real time with these lads on their golf trips and it is so uplifting for me, sitting around a dinner table and perusing the dessert menu before we can even think about the entrees. They are just... good people. So perhaps I'm a bit biased, but I felt a level of personal investment in this series. Which is why, when I got to the moment where Trent was standing over this chip on 18, my heart was in my goddamn throat:

What happened next is nothing short of a miracle:

How many times out of 10 does Rory put that closer? That chip is ticklish as fuck. It barely released through the rough. If you've ever stood over a shot like this in a tournament or a round for money, you know the demonic swirl of thoughts that are racing through your head: Don't skullfuck this over the green… don't chunk it and leave it short… don't decelerate… It's an exercise in masochism. Our mind and body disconnect, and it's very hard to get the hands to do what the brain wants them to. 

But not for Trent, apparently. Guy has ice water running through his gigantic, Paul Bunyan veins. Water cold enough to refreeze the ice caps. If someone handed you a glass filled with Trent's interior fluids, you'd worry about your teeth, especially if they're sensitive due to gum recession from brushing so feverishly while watching this goddamn series for the last few years. 

What can be said about Frankie? A better friend, you'll never have. Look at this face:

Honest question—if you played a round of golf with a caddie on the bag who had this level of enthusiasm, this level of personal investment in your round, what do you tip that guy? $500? $1000? His enthusiasm, his resilience, his constant encouragement… we could all use a friend like Frankie. 

I've had my closest friends tell me they were expecting their first child, and I've responded with less joy than what Frankie shows here for Trent's accomplishment. It's not often that we see men care so selflessly for the achievements of our friends. If this doesn't warm your soul, then you are lost in the wilderness. 

We're about to embark on a very fun golf content journey together, and I can't wait to recap this round with them. Congrats Trent, congrats Frankie. Golf is amazing. God is Great. 

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