Classic, Normal Revenge: Neymar Decided To Slash His Teammate's Tires As Payback For The Heinous Act Of Tying Knots In His Shoelaces

Eye for an eye type shit here from Neymar. I mean this is the normal response when someone ties knots in your shoelaces. You get frustrated and you slash the shit out of their tires. It's a good way to show everyone you're not one to be trifled with. Assert dominance in the locker room when you're bored after playing in front of 472 people in the Saudi League. This is what they have to do for fun. 

We all know a version of Neymar and if you don't, it's because you're that person. What I mean by that is simple. The person who takes a joke too far. The person who overreacts to some harmless ball busting and starts wishing death upon you and your family. They can't handle something going wrong and instead of doing something small back to you, they slash your tires. Only thing they can think of that's fair. 

I need Lodi to slash Neymar's tires. Not for revenge, but to see how Neymar reacts. I want to see how crazy he can get. I mean if this is step 1, what the fuck comes next? It has no impact on my life, so I want all of his teammates to push his buttons to see what sort of content we can get out of it. Lesson learned though. You don't waste 30 seconds of Neymar's life having to untie shoelaces if you don't want your tires slashed. 

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