A Woman Who Thought American Airlines Was Too Expensive for Her Bachelorette Trip Had a Must-Listen Call With a Private Jet Company

This girl rocks. I'd pay more than her American Airlines flight was going to cost to just watch a Truman Show-esque livestream of her going through life. If you seriously call a private jet company because you thought you could get a better deal there than a $400 commercial flight, I need to know everything about you.

First of all, not that this girl would know, but $400 to go from Los Angeles to Nashville is a steal these days. They charge you $400 to go through security and look at a commercial airplane now, let alone fly on one across the country.

But I'd give anything to have had this phone call filmed from the other end. She heard this guy quote her $80,000 and then decided she'd be willing to just settle for the "cheapest jet" instead. I was genuinely disappointed that this video ended, I could have watched this conversation continue for 30 minutes.

I hope she found a way to get to Nashville. Spirit can be a private jet if you have a good enough imagination.

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