Viral Story Of Guy Buying Plate Of "Boneless Buffalo Wings" Off Of Facebook Marketplace, Receives Dino Nuggets Instead

This is going viral on Twitter today and I have a zillion questions. The first of which is that people actually buy random plates of food off of Facebook marketplace? There's people just selling homegrown goods that they made in their kitchen with absolutely zero sanitation checks? And from tattoo artists no less? Also, "take me to Judge Judy" is an unbelievable response when scamming someone. He hit him with a I'll see you on TV buddy. Besides, that Judge Judy episode would do numbies!

I had to do some journalistic research here and search what type of food I could get in New York City if I wanted to dive into the world of Facebook cuisine:

I can't even go down the street from the office and get lunch for $10. Now you're telling me I can get some delicious Haitian pate kode for $7? The Twitter poster might have been onto something there. Or this cheddar jalapeno loaf for $14?

If blogging doesn't ever work out, maybe my next move is to be a Facebook marketplace chef. Off to go make my business plan while reading Greenie Celtics recaps to make me remember what I could be doing instead. 

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