Aaron Rodgers Confirms He Weighed Two Options This Offseason: Retire And Become RFK's VP Or Keep Playing For The Jets

Straight out of the horse's mouth. We really were that close to Aaron Rodgers joining RFK's campaign in hopes for a long shot run at the White House. It would have been the most Jets thing to ever happen coupled with one of the craziest sports stories we've ever witnessed. 

Look, I know people think it's ridiculous that all these famous people "think they can be president or in politics" but the reality is that politics are fucked. Like seriously these career politicians get into power because they knowcan manipulate the system. Then they enrich themselves as much as they can using whatever power they have.

 Look at the Senator Bob Menendez trial where: 

It’s a “boot-load” of cash.

New photos shown at Sen. Bob Menendez’s federal bribery trial reveal over $600,000 in cash and gold bars stashed around his cluttered New Jersey home — including a stack of bills stuffed inside a Timberland boot.

The dude legit had close to $100k stashed in a boot he kept. There is an advantage to having people who should be retired and are financially stable in office: they will actually serve their constituents and not try to just enrich themselves. It's a wild phenomenon, the media and people shit on celebrities who run for office but they actually may be more effective than career politicians who use the system for personal gain. 

I want Rodgers to win the Jets a Super Bowl of course but at the same time, we need someone to win the country a Super Bowl. Is it crazy to say Aaron Rodgers would make a better leader of our country than those are currently vying for the position? Still, I am glad he decided to return as the Jets QB. Let's make it through a series this time around.

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