The NFL Putting Their Christmas Games On Netflix Is A Bully Move

The NFL and Netflix deserve a tip of the cap. They really do. Unless you live under a rock, The NBA used to own Christmas Day. It was their day. No questions asked. The NFL played nice and let the roundballers have their day, then something clicked. They quickly realized they are the biggest swinging dick in town, and said "nah we're not gonna play nice anymore" and decided to dominate Christmas Day. Reminds me of the story in The Sopranos about the cows. 

The NFL though isn't you average bully, and decided to pull an even smarter move, or petty move depending on how you look at it, that I didn't even realize until I saw this tweet via PFT. 

By striking a deal with Netflix, The NFL has ensured that once homes decide to watch their games, they will be watching nothing else as it's a major pain in the ass/virtually impossible to change channels from Netflix back to cable (where the NBA games are on). This is genius. Absolutely genius move when you think about it. Every American family will more than likely decide to put the NFL games on over the NBA and the Smith family from Sheboygan, Wisconsin ain't savvy enough or won't have the patience to check in on the NBA with their remote. 

Think about it, you have to get out of Netflix, likely change the source on the remote, then pop on the game via cable- which by the way you'll need another remote for. Almost everyone is going to put the games on Netflix and leave it alone, no 1 ... I mean no1 is flipping channels. Genius move, petty move ... NFL special. 

Now I know what you are going to say ... 

I for sure do not just have 1 TV where I watch games, I have 5 (humble brag). However, like most people, and most families I do only have one in my living room. I would say almost everyone has 1 in their living room… which again means once the NFL goes on the TV, it ain't going off. Just a very very smart move from the NFL. They really are such a bully and aren't afraid to drop their dick on the table every chance they get … the NBA just learned that again. 

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