The NFL And ESPN Torment Jets Fans By Having Them Start The Season On Monday Night Football Again

Michael Owens. Getty Images.

SOURCE - Aaron Rodgers' comeback season will open in prime time, as the New York Jets will travel to the San Francisco 49ers to face the defending NFC champions Sept. 9 on ESPN's "Monday Night Football," it was announced Tuesday morning.

This marks the second straight season that Rodgers and the Jets will play a prime-time game in Week 1. His Jets debut last Sept. 11 turned into a season-altering disaster for the Jets, as the four-time MVP tore his left Achilles on the fourth snap and missed the remainder of the season.

Nice of ESPN and the NFL to remind us of one of the worst sports moments of any Jets fan's life by having us re-live all of those memories, anxiety and worry all over again. This isn't even a situation where we can vanquish a curse by re-living it and somehow becoming triumphant. OK, he gets through this first game healthy. I obviously hope that does happen but that does nothing to change what happened last year.

And if the Monday Night Football situation isn't painful enough, look at this matchup:

SOURCE - In a twist of fate, the 49ers signed defensive end Leonard Floyd in the offseason. It was Floyd, playing for the Bills, who sacked Rodgers on the play that ruptured his Achilles.

WHAT THE FUCK?!!? Why are they doing this to us? Haven't Jets fans suffered enough? Keep in mind that this is ESPN, the very same network that aired the Butt Fumble everyday for a decade. I don't know if it's the proximity to Bristol, CT but this feels intentional.

I was really hoping the Jets would get a normal 1:00 game to start the season. Now, the game becomes a headache. Watching all the Sunday games and getting more and more worried. Every office with a Jets fan will also have the "Sporto Comedian" of the office making sure to come by your cube Monday morning with some witticism like "Hope Rodgers can make it out of the first quarter this time!" while he fills his fat face with pastries.

Oh and to make matters even worse, Bill Belichick will be doing the Manningcast regularly this year. Guessing he'll be on that game so he can continue shitting on the team he was head coach of for a few hours. 

The rest of the NFL schedule will be announced tomorrow. I'm curious what other nightmarish ways the NFL can screw with the Jets.  Maybe they'll find a way for the entire Jets team to get mono the week they face Sam Darnold and the Vikings?

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