Portnoy, Nadu, Vibbs Vs. The New York Knicks: The Battle Of The Century

Nadu is the hottest gambler on the planet at 11-1 for the NBA playoffs, and was nice enough to bless us with a Game 5 Pacers pick. Meanwhile, the worlds biggest Knicks Fan, Rico Bosco, is somewhere punching air knowing he is about to go up against not only the track meet Pacers, but Barstool's Big 3. This trio is ready to go to war.

The Pacers evened the series at 2-2 with a blowout win in Game 4, The Mother's Day Massacre,  but I'm more nervous than ever about tonight's game.

1. The Pacers have stunk all season the game after a big win. 

2. There is nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal with it's back to the wall, and that's currently the Knicks. 

What this wounded animal doesn't know, is the Pacers are here to put them out of their misery. Unfortunately for the Pacers, I don't see this being a quick, easy, and painless death of the Knicks with the MSG crowd behind them. If only Nadu took the Pacers ML, I'd feel more confident going into tonight, but at +2 the Knicks can obviously eke out a win and the Pacers cover. 

Am I worried that Nadu's pick will fail when the lights are the brightest with Dave and the Gambling Cave watching intently. No. Nadu was made for these moments. He's a man of honor, and tonight his light will shine the brightest. Will Barstool's Big 3 be called skells? Yes, but it's all worth it in the end when Dave, Nadu, and myself are fanning ourselves with money, and drinking ice cold Stellas on Gaz's yacht. 

Watch the stream tonight @ 8:00pm and follow along with the drama of Hicks vs Knicks / Rico vs Nadu 

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