NO ONE IS SAFE: Steve Buscemi Attacked While Walking Down The Street In New York City

Yahoo — Actor Steve Buscemi is OK after he was punched in the face by a man on a New York City street, his publicist said Sunday. [Buscemi] was assaulted late Wednesday morning in Manhattan and taken to a nearby hospital with bruising, swelling and bleeding to his left eye. The police department said there were no arrests and the investigation was continuing.

No one is safe in this trash filled city! First someone sucker punches Rick Moranis, then every woman with a Tik Tok account gets attacked, NOW some piece of shit threw hands at America's sweetheart, Steve Buscemi?! There is a picture going around of who they suspect did this, and I won't rest until we find the scumbag. I'm about to go full Dog The Bounty Hunter on this man - find him, pray with him, then put his ass in handcuffs. 

There should be a nationwide manhunt for this attacker. Adam Sandler needs to put a mafia price on this guy's head for fucking with one of his main lieutenants. You DO NOT fuck with The Sand Man's crew and get away with it. Send a message! This should unite the country. Everyone loves Buscemi for seemingly being a humble hollywood actor, but the man also paused his acting career to help fire crews during 9/11. He's not just a New York hero, but a national treasure. 

Not only is Buscemi a true American hero, but he also knows how to get the people going. Dressing up as a classic meme that everyone uses is being a man of the people. 

Towards the tale end of COVID someone went after Rick Moranis, another actor that took a break from Hollywood to step up, and raise his children after his wife passed away from Cancer. Has if making Honey I Shrunk The Kids and Ghostbusters wasn't enough to endear him to America forever. 

I understand these attackers are mentally unstable psychopaths, but what the fuck are we doing NYC? No one is safe on these streets. Everyday a story comes out about another insane crime. I read one headline about a guy who had 37 priors with the name Ice Pick Nick FINALLY getting taken off the streets of New York. I don't even want to know what crimes this dude had to commit with an ice pick to get that nickname. You have to keep your head on a swivel at all times, even in broad daylight. I was only slightly worried about my safety, but now that they're going after America's most treasured celebrities, I care more than ever. If Steve Buscemi isn't here to save us, who will?

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